Do you have scripture art in your home? Perhaps you think it’s tacky or old school. Or maybe you’ve already discovered that there are many modern options out there that can fit into any decor type?
Well, as a Christian, scripture art should be a really important aspect of your home, and in this post I’d like to share with you why that is.
What does the Bible say about scripture art?
The very first place we should look to when determining if something should be apart of our lives as Christians is to the Bible. The Bible is God’s loving instruction to His children, and if you are saved through Jesus Christ then you are one of His children.
So let’s look at what the Bible says about scripture art.
Now, while the Bible doesn’t specifically use the term “scripture art” we can look to see what the Bible says about hanging scripture in your home, because this is essentially the purpose of scripture art.
The most prominent place that talks about this is in Deuteronomy 6
“And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.” – Deuteronomy 6:6-9
So God commands that His Words shall be written not just upon your heart, but upon all that you see and do throughout the day. You are to talk about them and wear them and write them upon your home. God wants His Words to be with you always and to constantly be there as a reminder of His will and His commands for your life.
The many benefits of hanging scripture in your home
It’s amazing how God knows what’s best for us. He has commanded us to write His Words upon our home, but did you know that there are so many amazing benefits FOR YOU if you obey God in this. It’s not just to do what God says, but it’s also something that will bless you in many ways.
It can be used as reminders for you and your family
God’s Word has so much for us. It helps us to find comfort, encouragement, strength, and more. We all tend to have favorite verses that we’re drawn to or tend to live our lives by. And hanging these special words up on your walls to be there for you to see every day is a great reminder of the promises that God has gifted you with. Promises to comfort, protect, heal, encourage, grow, etc. Hanging these up on your walls can be a great reminder for whatever struggle, trial, and season you and your family are going through at any given moment.
Covering your home in scripture is good for protection
God’s Word is sharper than any two-edged-sword (Hebrews 4:12) and with the spiritual battle raging all around us in a realm we can’t see, it’s hard to know what we’re facing on any given day. Our sins, even those we inadvertently do, open up doors for the enemy to come in and wreak havoc. And while we still need to repent for our sins on a regular basis, having God’s Word quite literally covering our homes is a powerful tool for battling the enemy in our everyday lives and helping to bring peace to our homes.
Scripture art can be great conversation starters
If you invite friends and family into your home for dinners, or parties, or just to hang out, having scripture art around your home can afford you many opportunities to talk about God to those who ask about the scripture art in your home. Perhaps they ask what it’s a quote from, or why you decided to hang that up. Whatever the opportunity might be, take it as an open door to talk about God and His glorious promises into the lives of those who pass through your home everyday.
Having scripture hanging in your home helps with scripture memorization
The verses that you choose to hang up in your home are the verses that you will, at some point, have memorized. It’s pretty hard to NOT memorize something that you read every single day. And I speak from experience when I tell you that those precious words of God that you choose to cover your home with will be the words that will be stored in your heart. But this only works if you take the time to read them as you pass by them. Don’t just hang them up and forget about them. 🙂
Hanging God’s Word in your home is a statement that He is the center of your home and life
Even though there is more you need to do as a Christian than hang up scripture on your walls, it’s a great statement to make. Making sure that God is incorporated all throughout your home is a symbol of making sure God is incorporated all throughout your life. It demonstrates to your children, your family, your friends, and yourself that God comes first. And that even if it’s not “in style” to hang scripture on your wall, you’re still going to do it. Because God isn’t a passing trend, He is forever.
Scripture art has come a long way and can Fit in to any decor style
You might be hung up on thinking that scripture art only comes as tacky little plaques that are sold at Christian book stores. When this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, there are all different types of scripture art in all different styles from traditional to contemporary.
Scripture art comes as shabby chic painted wood planks, or as classy metal pieces, or even as printable art that is affordable and versatile. You can even buy Bible verses in vinyl letters to hang on your wall, or make them for yourself using a Cricut or other cutting machine.
Here are just a few examples of the scripture art you can find nowadays:
God’s Word on Every Wall, a Challenge for you
There was a time several years ago that I challenged myself after reading Deuteronomy 6:9 to put at least one piece of scripture on every wall of our home. I haven’t gotten there yet because life keeps getting in the way! 🙂 But, I want to challenge you (and myself) again to hanging at least one Bible verse on every single wall of your home.
With the variety of types and sizes of scripture art out there, it doesn’t seem like such an impossible task. On one wall I have a grouping of picture frames with one small frame that has “Pray Without Ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) on it. And even though it’s small, it’s still there! So this can be a really versatile concept.
Do you think you’re up for the challenge? Look around your home and think about it. It’s just one more way that you can demonstrate that all you have is the Lord’s. If you think you’d like to try it, brainstorm a list of verses you want to incorporate and hunt down different scripture art to fit in with your scripture choices, your decor style, and your home as a whole.
Consider adding scripture art to your home today
Whether you take the challenge to hang God’s Word on every wall of your home or not, I hope that you will at least consider adding some scripture art to your home. Even if it’s just a few pieces. It is such an important part of being a Christian to make sure that God’s Word is covering our lives from the inside (our hearts) to the outside (our homes).
I hope that God blesses you in your journey to incorporate scripture into your family’s home more and more everyday!
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