Over 130 Fun Summer Bucket List Ideas for Kids (and Families) for 2025

Over 130 Fun Summer Bucket List Ideas for Kids and Families

Summer can be a wonderful time of year for making happy family memories with your children. But it can be easy to let the summer pass you by, and before you know it the summer is over and you feel like you didn’t actually do any of the ideal fun family summer activities.

This is where having a special bucket list for summer activities comes in handy. By putting together a list of fun summer bucket list ideas for kids and your family to try you can be grateful for this time you have with your children and make the most of your summer together.

Don’t let this summer pass you by! Put down the screens and make plans to have fun adventures, laugh all too much, and make precious memories with your family. And these summer activity ideas can help give you some direction on how to do that.

How this List is Organized

While we all have some of the same goals for summer — like enjoy the summer sun and make lots of memories as a family — every family is different. And because of that, I thought it would be most helpful to organize this list of summer bucket list ideas in a way that will help you to find what you’re looking for easier.

So you can look through the entire list as a whole and download the free (editable) printable summer bucket list at the end of this post.

But you can also find the the summer activities you can try this year with your family organized by type below. That way you can easily find which types of activities you and your family will most likely want to do easier.

Tips for Completing the Most Summer Bucket List Ideas

This bucket list of summer activity ideas might seem overwhelming at first. How can you possibly accomplish all of these over 130 summer bucket list ideas?

Adjust this list to fit your family

You don’t have to end up doing them all in one summer! Just do as many as you think is reasonable.

The free PDF checklist that you can find at the end of this post is editable, which means you can remove items that aren’t important to you or add more personal items that aren’t already included.

This way you can personalize this list to suit you and your family better.

Use this list as a springboard for summer planning for the next several years

You can also take this bucket list and have a goal to complete it within a span of several years — say 5 years.

That way you can plan out your upcoming summers in order to incorporate these fun summer activities that you want your children to experience during their childhood.

Group similar bucket list items together to complete at the same time

Another thing to remember is that many of these ideas can be accomplished simultaneously. For example, below you’ll find these ideas:

  • Go swimming (or learn to swim)
  • Go to the beach
  • Bury your toes in the sand
  • Collect sea shells
  • Build a sand castle

Now, while all of these are separate ideas, they can all be accomplished while going to the beach. Which means that your trip to the beach has knocked off at least 5 of your summer bucket list ideas. Woohoo!

So look at the list like this and group items together that you can accomplish together and you’ll find more success with completing all of these fun bucket list ideas for summer.

Summer Bucket List Ideas to Help You Cool Off in the Water

One of the best things about summer is getting to enjoy all the wonderful things that water has to offer!

So any summer bucket list for kids (and adults) should definitely include some ideas for how to cool off in the water in fun and memorable ways.

Here are few summer bucket list ideas for water-related activities.

  1. Go swimming (or learn to swim)
  2. Play at the beach
  3. Run through a splash pad
  4. Find a local water park
  5. Slide down a big water slide
  6. Play in a big swimming pool
  7. Race down a slip n’ slide
  8. Skip through the sprinkler
  9. Float in the water
  10. Have a water balloon fight
  11. Play in a water table
  12. Splash around in the kiddie pool
  13. Have a water fight
  14. Play outdoor water games
  15. Swim in a lake
  16. Take a ride on a boat
  17. Ride on jet-skis
  18. Wash the family car(s)
  19. Go tubing down a river
  20. Make (and sail) paper boats

Fun Summer Sports for Your Family Summer Bucket List

Your family might be more into sports than playing in the water. And if that’s the case then you won’t want to miss out on enjoying these summer sports this summer.

  1. Go horseback riding
  2. Play dodge ball
  3. Go fishing
  4. Go canoeing
  5. Go kayaking
  6. Play capture the flag
  7. Play disc golf at the park
  8. Play soccer
  9. Go to a baseball game
  10. Go golfing
  11. Play baseball
  12. Play kickball
  13. Play beach volleyball
  14. Play horseshoes at the park
  15. Play Frisbee at the park
  16. Run in a race
  17. Play hopscotch
  18. Play jump rope

Summer Bucket List Ideas to Enjoy Nature During the Summer

If your goal this summer is to enjoy nature more with your family. Then you’ll want to make note of these summer bucket list ideas that will be sure to help you, your kids, and your family to get the most out of nature this summer.

  1. Go on a nature walk
  2. Have a backyard camp out
  3. Go on a camping trip
  4. Stargaze in your backyard
  5. Watch the sunrise
  6. Watch the sunset
  7. Go bird watching
  8. Do an outdoor scavenger hunt
  9. Climb trees in your backyard
  10. Roll down a hill
  11. Plant flowers around your house
  12. Go to a nature center
  13. Cloud watch and find shapes in the clouds
  14. Pick flowers for each other
  15. Go hiking
  16. Have a Bonfire
  17. Learn about the stars with a telescope
  18. Feed ducks
  19. Catch butterflies with nets
  20. Visit a local flower garden
  21. Plant a vegetable garden
  22. Catch fireflies
  23. Spot a shooting star
  24. Hike to a waterfall
  25. Go on a bug hunt
  26. Skip rocks on the water
  27. Bury your toes in the sand at the beach
  28. Visit different parks you’ve never seen before

Must-Eat Summer Food to Add to Your Family Summer Bucket List for Kids to Try

With each season brings special foods and food-related activities special to that season — and summer is no different. If making meals is relaxing and not stressful for you; or if you’re a family of foodies, then be sure to add these food-related summer bucket list ideas to your plans this summer.

  1. Make s’mores at a bonfire
  2. Go to your church picnic
  3. Make ice cream
  4. Make and drink tropical drinks
  5. Go out for ice cream
  6. Eat watermelon
  7. Roast marshmallows over a fire
  8. Enjoy a snow cone
  9. Cool down with a popsicle
  10. Make lemonade
  11. Start a lemonade stand
  12. Drink a Slurpee
  13. Have ice cream from an ice cream truck
  14. Have an ice cream party with a toppings bar
  15. Make (or buy) root beer floats
  16. Host (or go to) a backyard BBQ
  17. Pick berries that are in season
  18. Have hot dogs on the grill
  19. Have a picnic lunch together

Fun Summer Outings for Your Summer Bucket List

The greatest thing about summer is that it’s so nice outside! Which opens up the opportunity to do all sorts of great outings that you can really only do during the summer months. So be sure to take advantage of the summer days that you can do these fun summer outings with your family.

  1. Visit a farmer’s market
  2. Go to a local fair/carnival
  3. Go to a local summer festival
  4. Go to the zoo
  5. Go to a drive in movie
  6. Go to an outdoor concert
  7. Play mini golf together
  8. Visit a petting zoo
  9. Go on a road trip somewhere
  10. Visit a working farm
  11. Go to an amusement park
  12. Stay at a cabin
  13. Go on an RV trip
  14. Go to a summer camp
  15. Watch a parade in person
  16. Go to yard sales
  17. Watch a fireworks show
  18. Ride on a Ferris wheel
  19. Ride on a merry-go-round
  20. Play at the playground
  21. Have (or go to) a luau party
  22. Ride on a roller coaster

Get Creative With These Summer Themed Crafts to Add to Your Bucket List for Summer

If you’re a family of creative people then you’ll for sure want to incorporate opportunities to express your (and your child’s) creativity through these fun summer themed arts and crafts.

  1. Paint and decorate rocks
  2. Make a bird feeder
  3. Make sun catchers
  4. Create sidewalk chalk art
  5. Tie-dye family t-shirts
  6. Do some other summer themed crafts
  7. Tie-dye personalized beach towels
  8. Make wind chimes

More Great Summer Hobbies and Activities for Your Summer Bucket List

There are some activities that you just have to experience during the summer months. Some of these you may be able to get away with doing during other months of the year, but the summer is the best time for these fun summer hobbies and activities.

  1. Ride bikes (or learn how to ride a bike)
  2. Slide down a slide
  3. Fly a kite
  4. Play catch
  5. Hula hoop
  6. Swing on the swings
  7. Start a rock collection
  8. Go metal detecting
  9. Collect sea shells
  10. Blow bubbles
  11. Have a shadow puppet show on the garage door
  12. Read some summer themed books
  13. Build a sand castle
  14. Jump on a trampoline
  15. Do outdoor science experiments
  16. Play flashlight tag
  17. Make an outdoor obstacle course in your yard
  18. Play in the sand box
  19. Tell campfire stories
  20. Sing (and make up your own) campfire songs
  21. Take a nap in a hammock
  22. Do a summer reading program
  23. Have a yard sale
  24. Make and play a backyard game

Get the Free Printable Summer Bucket List

Don’t let wondering what to do with your kids this summer overwhelm you. You’re a great mom for trying to make the most of this summer with your children. And now you have more than enough ideas to make your summer with your family fun and memorable with these summer bucket list ideas!

I’ve also created a printable version of this summer bucket list for you. This way you can print it out and check off the items as you do them. Just print it out and stick it on the fridge or in your planner for easy reference and planning.

And if you want to make the summer bucket list you print out re-usable, print it out and laminate it, then use wet erase markers to mark off the items as you do them during the summer.

Just click on the button below to grab your free summer bucket list for kids and families. I hope this helps you to enjoy this summer with your family more!

To Get Your Free Printable Click Here