Need some stress relief ideas? I know I could use as many stress relief tips as I can find! Being a mom is a 24/7 job. There are no breaks unless you intentionally hit the pause button. Thankfully there are lots of stress relief techniques you can do at home.
Having kids is frequently said to be the hardest job in the world, but also the most rewarding. It’s that hard part that can easily burn you out if you don’t stop to take advantage of some stress relief ideas and get some much needed mommy time.
Taking Mommy Time is a Service to Your Family
You might think to yourself (and I’m guilty of this too) that there just isn’t any time to take for yourself. Because, quite frankly, there isn’t unless you make the time. As a mom, bringing peace to your home important, but finding peace within yourself is vital to serving your family.
When your tank is running on empty and you’re overly stressed with no time to breath, are you serving our family in the best capacity you can? Probably not. In fact, the only way to give them your best is by taking some kind of break.
Stress relief ideas you can do at home
Not all moms have the luxury of taking days (let alone weekends) away from the kids. But, there are ways that you can refresh your heart and mind without making it into a big event.
The key is to finding stress relief techniques at home, not things you have to get out of your house to do (like long weekends). Because that isn’t realistic for most moms. We have to work with what we have.
You can do most of these stress relief ideas during naps, before your kids get up; or ask a spouse, grandparent, or someone else to watch your kids for a few minutes. Those minutes will be well spent!
Give yourself 15 minutes each day alone
One of the best stress relief tips you can do is to find a few minutes alone. I know it’s hard; I’ve tried and failed at this too. But finding just 15 minutes to enjoy to yourself will make a world of difference.
Take a bubble bath…and lock the bathroom door!
Let go of everything on your to do list and just enjoy relaxing in the tub. It’s great for refreshing your mind, but it also has the added bonus of relaxing your overworked muscles too.
Read a chapter in a book
Finding time to read a book with kids can be a huge challenge. You don’t have to read a whole book in a day. Even just a chapter can take you out of your own thoughts and worries for a little while so you can relax.
Have a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa
A nice hot drink can give you warmth from the inside out. There’s just something refreshing about a warm drink when you’re really stressed out. Just opt for decaf if you’re having a late night drink!
Count your blessings one by one
It’s important that we take time to not only reflect on the blessings we have, but also how life would look if we didn’t have them. I’m not talking about fantasizing that your family disappears. What I’m talking about is to reflect on how much of a blessing they really are to your heart. Taking a step back to think about this every so often can really make you appreciate them a lot more.
Watch a new or favorite movie
Just like diving into a good book, watching a movie gets you out of your own mind for a little while. As women, we tend to overthink things A LOT. Our minds never seem to stop. So hitting the pause button on our thoughts and enjoying a good story can be just the ticket to finding refreshment.
Treat yourself to a single serve dessert
I’ve recently discovered a pretty awesome invention. They’re called “mug meals” and you can find all sorts of them on Pinterest. They come in all varieties, but my favorite is the desserts! These are such a great treat if you’re wanting to sneak a snack without making an entire batch of brownies. Bonus points if you make it during nap time and enjoy it during your 15 minutes alone. 😉
Listen to classical or worship music
Studies have shown that music plays a huge role on our emotions. Classical music in particular has been shown to help people think clearer and put them in a state of relaxation. As a Christian, I also find that worship music can be really uplifting on a deeper level as well.
Give yourself a pedicure (foot soak and all)
If you can’t afford the money (or time) to go to the spa then why not give yourself some pampering right at home? Not only does a foot soak really relax your aching muscles (like that bubble bath from earlier), but giving yourself the gift of something just for you is important from time to time.
Get dressed in something you love
While we shouldn’t obsess over our looks, taking good care of ourselves is important. This kind of pampering is really good for your moral. Being a mom is a pretty selfless job and sometimes we can lose ourselves in the process. So taking a little time to do get dressed up can really help.
Take a drive alone
Running an errand alone while your husband watches the kids can be so refreshing. It can be nice to get into a car without all the kid paraphernalia, walk into a store without all the seat buckles, and walk around at your own pace in relative silence for a few minutes. You don’t even have to have an errand to run. Just driving around alone can be relaxing in and of itself. It’s also a great time to pray!
Watch the sunrise or sunset alone
Depending on your schedule and your kid’s schedules, you might find yourself in the position to sneak a few minutes in alone to watch the sunrise or sunset. Enjoy the view and all that God has made. Sunrises in particular can be quite peaceful because the kids are still sleeping and everything is so quiet and serene.
Look through old family photos/videos
Take a little time to look through photos of your kids and family. Think back on the great memories you have made. Sometimes we miss them when they’re actually happening. But after the fact, they are a good reminder that even in those moments of chaos, wonderful memories are being made.
Say a silent prayer
Even when it an be hard to find a few moments to yourself, God is always there to listen. Whether you’re standing in your kitchen, knee deep in a pile of laundry, or in some other unfortunate scenario that we mom’s tend to find ourselves in, you can always lift up your prayers to God. Ask Him for whatever you need in the moment and pray with faith, knowing that He has answered.
Read your Bible everyday, even if it’s just for 5 minutes
Re-connecting with God is the #1 way to find stress relief. Jesus says “come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28-30). Even if you can’t manage an hour long Bible study, a short devotional can make a huge difference. I have a big list of great devotionals and Bible studies for women here that you could start with. God will meet you there and He will speak to you in that precious time.
Finding Times of Refreshment is a Ministry to Your Family

Just like you can’t work at any job 24/7 without becoming burned out. You can’t work as a mom 24/7 without a break. It doesn’t have to be a weekend away or a week long vacation (albeit those would be nice). But by utilizing just one or two of these stress relief ideas everyday, you can find the refreshment you need and be a happier mom for your children.
It’s vital that you take some time for yourself, so you can put your best foot forward when it comes to ministering to your family. Then you can be rested, refreshed, and ready for whatever next crazy thing is thrown at you.
What are the best stress relief ideas you’ve found? I’d love to know what helps you. Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
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